Just like an accountant can assist you with your finances, a qualified broker can do the same with your insurance. An insurance broker can save you time, money and worry. We will provide advice and assistance to make sure you and your business are properly protected. When arranging insurance, many people take shortcuts without seeking proper advice, understanding the fine print or considering whether they are getting value for money. Often they end up with cover they don’t need and – even worse – without the cover they really need.
As a part of the Steadfast Group, we have access to over 150 insurers, which means no matter what you do, we will be able to arrange insurance for you. We are aware of the benefits, exclusions and costs of similar policies in the market. Red Star will assess the available options based on your circumstances and recommend products that are relevant to you.
Using a broker doesn’t necessarily cost more. Often it costs less because we have knowledge of the insurance market and the ability to negotiate competitive premiums on your behalf. We will explain your policy and any special areas you need to watch out for.
Our duty is to our clients, not the insurance company. You’ll find that most often insurance brokers and their clients build relationships over many years that are based on a detailed understanding of your business, its current circumstances, your future plans, the associated risks and how you like to do business.
Our office is in Young, however we have clients all across Australia. Please feel free to drop in and see us or phone us on 02 6382 1729 and we will come to you!